
If we need to write......explain the reasons why you chose a particular method of data collection

  1. Identify and explain why you chose it 
  2. State why it is appropriate to your case
  3. Explain why other methods were rejected
  4. Explain why your research choices may affect the results of your research and its validity / reliability
  5. Identify and explain any difficulties you experienced in gathering the data as a result of your choice


If we need to write......evaluate the findings from the research undertaken (by evaluating the methods of data collection)

  1. Strengths and weaknesses of the method
  2. Strengths and weaknesses of how was the data collection
  3. Possible improvement if you can conduct the research again
  4. Limitation of the research e.g. excess of information through customer database, reliability, bias and subjectivity


If we need to write.......evaluate the market research method used by a selected organization

  1. Identify and explain your choice
  2. Advantages and disadvantages of the method
  3. Possible alternatives (why they are being considered and why rejected at the end)
  4. Give an opinion as to the suitability of the method chosen and state whether if it is the best method to use or not
    創作者 jl_bear 的頭像


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