Advantages of budgeting:


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以下假設了三種訂位坐的情況, 裡面有較常見的要求例如(非)吸煙, 素食者, 有小孩, 坐廂房, 坐輪椅等等的情況, 對話只供參考, 職員未必會說相同的話。假如發現有錯誤或可以更改的地方, 請聯絡我。

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Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

  • One does not feel the second need until the demands of the first have been satisfied.
  • Maslow suggested that the order can be arranged for different people.
  • Once a need is satisfied, it will no longer acts as a strong motivator as it was before.
  • Esteem is the stage where a person aims for self-esteem, confidence, achievements and respects.
  • Self-actualisation is about challenging oneself and personal achievements. They solve problems; sometimes they search for problems and challenge themselves to a better person, or have better skills.
  • The first theory developed (among the four theories mentioned).
  • Had an effective impact on developing the study of motivation.
  • Not specifically work-based model, just a general framework.
  • Did not develop the link between age and motivation. (Barbara L. Goebel and Delores R. Brown (1981) Age Differences in Motivation Related to Maslow's Need Hierarchy )
  • Lack of empirical evidence
  • Settings of 1940s and nowadays are very different, the theory cannot fully apply.
  •  No standard on the level of satisfaction and even individuals are under the same need level of hierarchy, they may have different needs and motivating factors.


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If we need to write......explain the reasons why you chose a particular method of data collection

  1. Identify and explain why you chose it 
  2. State why it is appropriate to your case
  3. Explain why other methods were rejected
  4. Explain why your research choices may affect the results of your research and its validity / reliability
  5. Identify and explain any difficulties you experienced in gathering the data as a result of your choice


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以下是Deny, Refuse, Reject, Decline 的粗略意思及用法, 大致意思拒絕。由於英文用法太廣, 此例只供基本參考, 有些情況用不同的詞也有同樣意思。


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以下是Aid, Assist, Help, Support的粗略意思及用法, 大致意思幫忙。由於英文用法太廣, 此例只供基本參考, 有些情況用不同的詞也有同樣意思。

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以下是Persist, Insist, Continue, Sticks to的粗略意思及用法, 大致意思是堅持和持續。由於英文用法太廣, 此例只供基本參考, 有些情況用不同的詞也有同樣意思。


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Kendal ~ Days Inn Kendal Killington Lake


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“兒子要窮養,女兒要富養”——大概是在兒子三歲的時候,我聽說了這個育兒觀念。 是的,和所有初聽此話的父母一樣,我理所當然地認為,窮養兒子,就是要讓他體會生活的艱辛,多吃苦,讓他有奮鬥意識;富養女兒,就要為她創造良好的物質條件,培養溫柔、高貴的品質,這樣長大以後,才能創造有品位有情調的生活。


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